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KEAM/JEE XII For Quick Practice
KEAM/JEE XII For Quick Practice

8500.00 7000.00
Expiry : Unlimited Days
Exams : C 1.01 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry | C 1.02 Structure of Atom | C 1.03 Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties | C 1.04 Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure | C 1.05 States of Matter | C 1.06 Thermodynamics | C 1.07 Equillibrium | C 1.08 Redox Reaction | C 1.09 Hydrogen | C 1.10 s - Block Elements | C 1.11 The p - Block Elements | C 1.12 Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles & Techniques | C 1.13 Hydrocarbons | C 1.14 Environmental Chemistry | C 2.01 Solid State | C 2.02 Solutions | C 2.03 Electrochemistry | C 2.04 Chemical Kinetics | C 2.07 The p - Block Elements | C 2.08 The d & f Block Elements | C 2.09 Coordination Compounds | C 2.10 Haloalkanes & Haloarenes | C 2.11 Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers | C 2.12 Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids | C 2.13 Amines | C 2.14 Biomolecules | C 2.15 Polymers | C 2.16 Chemistry in Everyday Life | C-2.05 Surface Chemistry | C-2.06 General Principles & Process of Isolation of Elements | M 1.01 Sets | M 1.02 Relations & Functions I | M 1.03 Trignometric Functions I | M 1.04 Principle of Mathematical Induction | M 1.05 Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations | M 1.06 Linear Inequalities | M 1.07 Permutations & Combinations | M 1.08 Binomial Theorem | M 1.09 Sequences & Series | M 1.10 Straight Lines | M 1.11 Conic Sections | M 1.12 Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry | M 1.13 Limits & Derivatives | M 1.14 Mathematical Reasoning | M 1.15 Statistics | M 1.16 Probability | M 2.01 Relations & Functions II | M 2.02 Inverse Trignometric Functions | M 2.03 Matrices | M 2.04 Determinants | M 2.05 Continuity & Differentiability | M 2.06 Applications of Derivatives | M 2.07 Integrals | M 2.08 Application of Integrals | M 2.09 Differential Equations | M 2.10 Vector Algebra | M 2.11 Three Dimensional Geometry | M 2.12 Linear Programming | M 2.13 Probability | Model Exam - 1 | Model Exam - 2 | Model Exam - 3 | Module Exam - 10 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 11 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 12 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 2 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 3 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 4 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 5 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 6 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 7 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 8 for JEE XII | Module Exam - 9 for JEE XII | Module Exam - I for JEE XII | P 1.01 Physical World | P 1.02 Units & Measurement | P 1.03 Motion in a Straight Line | P 1.04 Motion in a Plane | P 1.05 Laws of Motion | P 1.06 Work, Energy & Power | P 1.07 System of Particle & Rotational Motion | P 1.08 Gravitation | P 1.09 Mechanical Properties of Solids | P 1.10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids | P 1.11 Thermal Properties of Matter | P 1.12 Thermodynamics | P 1.13 Kinetic Theory | P 1.14 Oscillations | P 1.15 Waves | P 2.01 Electric Charges & Fields | P 2.02 Electrostatic Potentials & Capacitance | P 2.03 Current Electricity | P 2.04 Moving Charges & Magnetism | P 2.05 Magnetism & Matter | P 2.06 Electromagnetic Induction | P 2.07 Alternating Current | P 2.08 Electromagnetic Waves | P 2.09 Ray Optics & Optical Instruments | P 2.10 Wave Optics | P 2.11 Dual Nature of Radiation & Matter | P 2.12 Atoms | P 2.13 Nuclei | P 2.14 Semiconductor Electronics | P 2.15 Communication Systems | Test NVT | JEE MODEL |

Product Description

Unlimited Practice Exams of Class XI and XII, Physics, Chemistry & Maths. Valid till June 2024